Wayne's wORld: Back in the Shwing of Things

I apologize to the faithful followers I have (assuming you haven’t given up on me and are not actually reading this apology) but it seems my blog writing dried up much like the relentless Texas summer heat scorched the once flooded earth. In reviewing my previous thoughts, I was struck by the reality of the …

Simplicity in Supply Chain Planning: 5 Things to Consider

Legendary jazz pianist, Thelonius Monk was asked by a fan how jazz seemed to come so easily to him. His response: Hey, man, simple ain’t easy! With that statement, Monk first acknowledged that his goal was to make his music sound simple and give an impression that it was a spontaneous artistic expression. It also …

7 Things to Consider While Selecting a Supply Chain Planning Platform

Supply chain planning used to be a lot easier, but in today’s world of global sourcing and an almost infinite array of paths from the source to the customer, the complexity is daunting. That’s why today’s supply chain planning systems cover everything from production, transportation, sales and operations (S&OP), to replenishment planning and much more. Today’s planning solutions are expected to …

How Important Are What-If Analysis Capabilities When Selecting SCM Software?

When it comes to supply chain management (SCM) software, having the ability to do what-if analysis is a critical requirement for making good business decisions. What-if analysis allows users to explore multiple scenario options, compare outcomes of different alternatives and ultimately make better supply chain decisions. So important is this capability that it’s not an …

A Supply Chain Planning Solution for Mid-Size Businesses

Mid-sized companies face a unique set of competing pressures: the need to keep pace with ever-changing consumer demands, build a scalable foundation for profitable growth, and deploy limited resources – both people and capital – efficiently.  While there are technology solutions that solve these challenges, most mid-size companies don’t see themselves as having the same access …

2 Simple Questions to Help Identify Supply Chain Inefficiencies

Every professional responsible for his or her company’s supply chain planning and execution probably realizes that there are a number of inefficiencies in his or her system; they just might not be able to pinpoint where the biggest and/or most urgent issues are. In order to optimize all points along a chain, you must first …

Wayne’s wORld: As Spring Floods into Summer do you have a Plan for the new Season?

Recently as I crossed over the surging muddy red water of the Red River into the great state of Texas, I wasFlooding-in-Wells-008 reminded of how quickly things in life can change. Not three months ago Texas was in a critical level of dryness and drought that had persisted for most of the past 10 years. …

Mid-Size Retailers Looking for Competitive Advantage Should Turn To Supply Chain Optimization

As a mid-size retailer, you can likely identify – to the penny – how much it costs to order, store, and deliver your products. But if you were told tomorrow that your company was planning to add a number of stores in the next 36 months would you jump right in and simply scale the way you currently do business?You’d probably immediately focus your thoughts …

We Have Our Heads in the Clouds, and That's a Good Thing!

Who is Solvoyo? Our boilerplate says that we’re an enterprise software company providing strategic, tactical, and operational planning in a single platform that gives customers the most comprehensive capability to maximize profits while minimizing costs. But that’s just what we do. When you select a software partner you’re not only buying that partner’s product; you’re engaging …

Wayne’s wORld: Math in the wORld of Customer Relationships

Howdy y’all!  It seems I’ve taken another long break from putting thoughts into words in this space. Unfortunately I don’t have a litany of events and whimsical anecdotes to account for my absence like I did last summer. This time around I have just been immersed in exciting mathematical challenges helping companies better their supply …