For those of us who catch the Operations Research (OR) bug the passion runs pretty deep. After you get through Hillier and Lieberman or Winston (another Wayne BTW, coincidence? I don’t think so) in Intro to OR you just can’t get enough. Some dudes hang out in the basement, rock out with their buds and mix it up. Others prefer to rock out with discrete event simulation, stochastic modeling and mathematical programming…weird but true.
This blog mixes in a little of both sources of happiness. My personal journey started at the Air Force Academy and 10 wonderful years serving my country and a Master of Science in OR later I stepped off into the ultra competitive world of free market competition.
It was at Dell, Inc. that I discovered the most dynamic and challenging set of problems we have in front of us … the world of supply chain optimization.
From a supply chain network perspective we used to think it was all links, nodes, flows and conservation of mass. And to a large degree it WAS and still IS. But that’s just the core model, the network optimization model we solve to keep the shareholders happy and the product flowing.
Now through the mathematical genius of Dr. Koray Dogan and his hand picked band of mathematical innovators we all have the opportunity to stretch the boundaries of what we can do with advanced OR techniques to make the world better.
The source of content for this blog is deep and rich. Solvoyo solutions are a product of advanced capabilities such as linear and non-linear functions sharing space in a single application (no joke), SaaS on the Cloud, planning in the context of MIP and brainstorming with homebrew (follow the Blog as I might even throw in a couple tasty recipes).
Top 6 Must-have Capabilities for Automating CPG Production Planning
Effective CPG production planning is critical for achieving operational efficiency, meeting customer demands, and maintaining optimal inventory levels. The Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry is