Wholesale FMCG Distributor
Smarter S&OP

23K Active SKUs
76,000+ Retail Locations
450 Stores ​
62 DCs
4 Countries​
1000+ FMCG items
8K+ Products​
9 Regional Warehouses


Bring disparate supply chain functions under one collaborative umbrella while allowing different groups to operate in a decentralized fashion

Provide optimal fulfillment plans, greater supply chain visibility, and enabling collaboration across marketing, operations, distribution, and finance

Improve forecast accuracy to reduce inventory investment  and waste while improving service levels


Regional warehouses carrying excess inventory while retailers experience stock-outs  and lost sales

Lack of end-to-end supply chain visibility

Lack of integrated planning and collaboration across teams


Safety and cycle stocks calculated through SKU-based forecast output integrated with the inventory optimization algorithm

Automated replenishment plans considering various business and operational constraints

Transaction data combined across multiple regions, channels, or product lines to provide a single source of truth

10% reduction in overall inventory investment while achieving a 10% reduction in lost sales

15% reduction of waste in perishable stock

0 %
Improvement in forecast accuracy
0 %
Reduction in overall inventory investment

