E-Commerce Retailer Demand Planning and Pricing Solutions for Category Management

23K Active SKUs
2M+ SKUs
450 Stores ​
30 Categories
8K+ Products​
50M+ Monthly Visitors
$1B Annual Revenue
solvoyo mobile


Empower teams to take proactive actions to achieve the monthly sales targets

Provide category managers with predictive and prescriptive analytics to enable fast decision-making

Make demand sensitivity visible to marketplace price actions

Support the rapid growth of the company with automation and advanced analytics


Diverse category portfolio and changing market conditions requiring agility and fast decision-making 

Excess workload on planners due to manual analysis causing missed opportunities

Lack of universal view of data and actionable insights

solvoyo mobile


Automated approach to DETECT slow-moving inventory and OPTIMIZE price actions to meet budget targets

Visibility to trends through medium-term trend automated forecasting, so category managers have more time to STRATEGIZE 

Automated attribute-based segmentation where assigned segments ADAPT to changing sales trends  

Actionable price recommendations considering marketplace signals and competitor prices

