Multinational Apparel Retailer
Pre-Season Planning

23K Active SKUs
234K Active SKUs
450 Stores ​
670 Stores
4 Countries​
20 DCs in 16 Countries
8K+ Products​
50+ Marketplaces
3 DCs​
50 Countries


Defacto, a prominent Turkish fashion retailer, offers a wide range of products, including men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing, as well as accessories, footwear, and home textiles. Known for its trendy and affordable fashion, Defacto caters to various styles and preferences, ensuring there’s something for everyone. The company operates in over 50 countries, including key markets in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Defacto’s extensive network includes more than 650 stores worldwide.


Achieve end-to-end integration throughout pre-season planning processes

Increase effectiveness and efficiency in the planning and buying processes

Leverage advanced analytics and store-level  forecasting in assortment planning

Create the ability to track and reconcile top-down plans with bottom-up buying decisions

Achieve collaboration between teams


A heuristic approach in forecasting rather than scientific and data-driven models

Human errors caused by the high usage of chaotic spreadsheets 

Lack of collaboration between teams


Improving planner productivity through End-to-end integration and digital transformation 

Improving real-time collaboration between teams 

Localized assortment planning and size optimization made easy

Extensive alerts and exceptions for proactive action

3x Increase in number of stores & service countries

0 %
User acceptance rate
0 X
Increase in number of stores & service countries

