The SaaS Model & Pricing

Our software is licensed on a monthly subscription basis and is hosted on public cloud

solvoyo magic

Solvoyo Has A Simple, All-Inclusive Monthly SaaS Fee That Covers All Of The Following Based On The Solution Scope

8 hours a month of free consulting for requests such as UI enhancements or additional training

*For use with Solvoyo solutions in the solution scope

SaaS business model focuses on mutually beneficial commercial relationships that last a long time. The onboarding fee is paid once and the SaaS fee is paid monthly. The duration of the SaaS contract can vary from annual to multiple years. We make it as easy to terminate the commercial relationship as it is to come on board with us.

Onboarding Fee

Based on the project scope and the project plan:

The monthly fee is determined based on the rate table for each resource type and the discount factor that is calculated per project based on the solution scope, the duration of the onboarding + UAT steps.

Our onboarding duration ranges between 3~6 months based on the solution scope.

What does the SaaS Fee depend on?

The Base Price is a minimum amount for the digital platform that covers our fixed and variable costs on the cloud as well as our base IP that includes industry/sector-specific visibility dashboard, descriptive analytics package, and our master data support.

The Base Price will increase incrementally based on the number of planning workflows, e.g., Demand Planning, Inventory Optimization, Production Planning, Fulfillment & Transportation, etc. Furthermore, the SaaS fee will have incremental additions based on the planning instances, which is a function of the number of locations, number of products, planning frequency, and whether the scope of integration includes external partners such as 3PLs, vendors, customers, IoTs.

Lastly, the scope and the geographic span of the support requirement add to the monthly SaaS fee. Some of our clients require minimal support after go-live as they maintain expert users who require periodic training and can handle 1st-level support, while others rely on our Customer Success Analyst for 1st- and 2nd-level support.