Product Lifecycle Management

Digital information flow and collaboration platform for managing the product lifecycle from design through sampling, costing, and approvals

solvoyo magic

All-in-one lifecycle management

For companies designing and developing their products such as fashion, textiles, footwear, or specialty retail, managing up-to-date information across all cross-functional teams and vendors can be challenging.

Solvoyo’s cloud-based and fully configurable PLM solution helps digitize the product development process and provides flexibility and agility. Through collaborative workflows tailored to the needs of medium-sized businesses or large enterprises, Solvoyo PLM can keep up with the evolving digital transformation needs. The solution can be easily integrated with other solutions such as Line Planning and Assortment Planning and comes with visual reporting and a dashboard for tracking KPIs to facilitate integrated planning and automation.


What can you achieve with
Solvoyo PLM Solution?

Creation of new products based on existing ones
Visual reporting
Automated Tech-Pack Creation and sharing
Web-based collaboration for internal and external users
Configurable Workflow management
Multiple costing scenarios
Product approval

Standardize templates for capturing information that will be used downstream in systems
Improve data integrity and real-time visibility to products by status in the workflow
Automate visual report generation for collection reviews and sign-offs
Reduce product development lead-times
Minimize errors in communication and missing information
Real-time collaboration across functions (Design, Merchandising, Sourcing)
Real-time collaboration with vendors (in the case of Collaborative Forum functionality)


Improve Speed-to-Market


Improve Productivity

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What Is Production Planning?

What Is Production Planning? Production planning organizes and optimizes manufacturing activities to ensure that goods are produced efficiently, on time, and within budget. By aligning

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Automatically identify variances across different versions of the plans and see where there are opportunities to reduce or increase budget allocation
Streamline internal and external collaboration and information flow across planning systems

Automatically identify variances across different versions of the plans to reduce or increase budget allocation

Streamline internal and external collaboration and information flow across planning systems

Detect Adapt Strategize
Configurable UI can quickly evolve with your changing business needs
Configurable UI can quickly evolve with your changing business needs

Flexible & Configurable Screens and Workflows

Keeping Track Of Product Development Status

Keeping track of product
development status

All designs accessible on the cloud-based corporate archive for fast access

Digital workflows for
managing product information

Category-specific attributing making life easier for cross-functional teams
Tech-packs created automatically using the attributes entered throughout the process
Visibility of product master data for internal and external users
Digital Workflows For Managing Product Information​
Our Dashboards

Our dashboards

Visibility to product counts by status across categories
Visibility to design, revision and approval of KPIs
Monitoring lead times across key milestones