AI-Powered Supply Chain Analytics & Visibility with Solvoyo's Control Tower

Supply chains are getting faster, and so are the analytics capabilities that support decision-making. Solvoyo’s AI-powered Control Tower platform delivers automated diagnostics so planners can quickly focus on the burning issues and predictive capabilities to drive faster decision-making.

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Lead with Advanced Analytics

Solvoyo Supply Chain Analytics & Visibility empowers you to lead, not follow. Our advanced machine-learning algorithms allow you to quickly evaluate multiple what-if scenarios and delve into complex supply chain challenges. While competitors are bogged down in planning, your team can reduce manual tasks and accelerate response times with our automated diagnostics. Focus on strategic issues and derive actionable insights from vast amounts of data.


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What you can do with Solvoyo Supply Chain Analytics and Visibility Solution

screenshot of a control tower and analytics dashboard

Turn Insights Into Actions

Supply chain analytics, at its essence, is about transforming big data from multiple internal and external sources into insights for making better planning decisions. Solvoyo uses advanced analytics and machine learning to data from internal and external sources as well as IoT to integrate descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive capabilities to empower supply chain managers to make better supply chain decisions.

AI-Driven Automated Diagnostics

The backbone of Solvoyo platform is its cutting-edge AI capabilities, which automate the diagnostics of supply chain operations. This system identifies key issues in real time, from stock-outs to service level discrepancies, by analyzing patterns and trends through machine learning. This allows planners to focus swiftly on critical areas, enhancing responsiveness and reducing downtime.

Gain an end-to-end visibility to your supply chain

Achieve unparalleled transparency with Solvoyo’s Control Tower, which offers a comprehensive view of your end-to-end supply chain. From real-time tracking of in-transit inventory to analysis of demand variability and forecast bias, the platform ensures that every facet of your supply chain is visible and under control. This enhanced visibility aids in pinpointing efficiency bottlenecks and optimizing overall supply chain performance. 

Gain a visibility to cross-functional KPIs

Solvoyo’s advanced cross-functional KPI dashboard integrates seamlessly into the Control Tower, providing a visual cockpit for monitoring and analyzing performance metrics. It includes sophisticated AI tools that track and learn from every transaction, continuously improving data accuracy and process efficacy through self-learning algorithms. This automation extends to identifying root causes of performance deviations, enabling faster resolution and strategic adjustments.

Supply chain analytics, at its essence, is about transforming big data from multiple internal and external sources into insights for making better planning decisions. Solvoyo uses advanced analytics and machine learning to data from internal and external sources as well as IoT to integrate descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive capabilities to empower supply chain managers to make better supply chain decisions.

The backbone of Solvoyo platform is its cutting-edge AI capabilities, which automate the diagnostics of supply chain operations. This system identifies key issues in real time, from stock-outs to service level discrepancies, by analyzing patterns and trends through machine learning. This allows planners to focus swiftly on critical areas, enhancing responsiveness and reducing downtime.

Achieve unparalleled transparency with Solvoyo’s Control Tower, which offers a comprehensive view of your end-to-end supply chain. From real-time tracking of in-transit inventory to analysis of demand variability and forecast bias, the platform ensures that every facet of your supply chain is visible and under control. This enhanced visibility aids in pinpointing efficiency bottlenecks and optimizing overall supply chain performance. 

Solvoyo’s advanced cross-functional KPI dashboard integrates seamlessly into the Control Tower, providing a visual cockpit for monitoring and analyzing performance metrics. It includes sophisticated AI tools that track and learn from every transaction, continuously improving data accuracy and process efficacy through self-learning algorithms. This automation extends to identifying root causes of performance deviations, enabling faster resolution and strategic adjustments.

reduce stock outs

Improve Planner Productivity

Improve otif

Improve Agility

Case Studies

Automatic diagnostics help you act faster: Our cloud engine detects significant changes in demand, supply, lead times, OTIF rates, and our user-friendly dashboards provide real-time visibility to issues
Our platform provides a Digital Twin for your supply chain and supports what-if analysis for evaluating different options for supplier networks, manufacturing sites, or delivery schedules
Automatic diagnostics help you act faster and our user-friendly dashboards provide real-time visibility to issues. Forecasts, safety stocks, replenishment recommendations are automatically adjusted with ML and advanced analytics
Detect Adapt Strategize Optimize
Our platform provides a Digital Twin for your supply chain Our platform automates decision-making by providing prescriptive actions
ML and advanced analytics in action: Forecasts, safety stocks, replenishment recommendations are automatically adjusted in light of changing demand and operational constraints so your teams can focus on strategizing
Our platform automates decision-making by providing prescriptive actions such as replenishment plans, production schedules, and pricing actions in response to current conditions

Solvoyo Analytics & Visibility UI

Visibility to KPIs Exceptions For CPG

Real-Time KPI Tracking and Exception Handling for CPG

Monitor key performance indicators and manage exceptions with our analytics dashboard, designed to track metrics like stock coverage, lost sales, and fulfillment rates, providing a solid foundation for your analytics efforts.

Proactive Diagnostics for Operational Efficiency

Automated diagnostics identify the root causes of issues like stock-outs or service level declines. By pinpointing problems related to demand variability, forecast bias, and supplier performance, Solvoyo enables planners to focus on solutions.

Understanding Reasons For KPI Levels & Exceptions​
Using Demand-Drivers For Forecasting Demand

Demand Forecasting with AI

Employ AI-driven forecasting techniques that use event libraries and external data to predict and mitigate potential stock-outs lost sales, and over-stock situations. Solvoyo’s what-if capabilities allow planners to assess various scenarios and make proactive decisions.

KPI Tracking for Retailers

Gain insights into key supply chain metrics, such as product availability, lost sales, and supplier performance, presented in a user-friendly visual format to facilitate quick decision-making

KPI tracking For Retailers
Understanding Forecast Issues

Addressing Forecast Accuracy

Solvoyo provides insights into locations and products with high forecast errors, enabling targeted interventions to enhance accuracy and reduce impacts on operations.

Monitoring and Mitigating Lost Sales

Solvoyo analytics platform provides lost sales estimations in case of out-of-stock situations. You can quickly review the locations and products and compare them to recent trends.

Monitoring Lost Sales