Test, Read & React

Test, Read and React is the process whereby a retailer tests a product in selected stores before including it in the assortment for a larger store base

solvoyo strong

Fast and smart decision-making

The retail landscape is evolving fast, and the players are faced with fierce competition every day when making product offerings and pricing decisions. In apparel and specialty retail, where buy decisions are being made 6-12 months in advance of the sales period, retailers are now pushing to delay their investment and pricing as much as possible while continually exploring new product offerings (especially in the case of fast) fashion, new categories, new price, and new price segments.

Solvoyo’s Test, Read and React solution supports test store selection, product buys, performance evaluation, and go-to-market strategy, and the total buy extrapolation based on learnings from the test phase brings automation and analytical insights to each decision step, makes the process much faster and enables the retailers to standardize decision making across all categories.

Through Clustering, Reporting, Assortment Planning capabilities hosted on the cloud and all integrated into the same platform, buyers and merchants from different divisions and worldwide can use the same analytical approach to Test, Read & React and execute the analytical side of the process within minutes!

The solution combines descriptive, diagnostic, and prescriptive capabilities in a user-friendly interface where users can make decisions without getting lost in spreadsheets and analysis.

improve planner

Improve Planner Productivity


Improve Product Sell-through

Case Studies

Automatically assess product performance, halo and cannibalization effects and impact on the category sales

Perform what-if analysis to evaluate the sales potential across different store clusters

Automatically assess product performance, halo and cannibalization effects 

Perform what-if analysis to evaluate the sales potential across different store clusters

Detect Adapt Strategize

Learn from performance across different store and go after localized opportunities

Learn from performance across different store and go after localized opportunities